Cost of living in a van 2014

I have not been posting my monthly finances as of late, mainly because they have been pretty boring with the long stretch of urban camping this year. I spent more than nine months sitting still this year with only about 10 weeks of traveling [in the van], so the year end finances have a unique spin over from the 2013 totals. This year I also decided to leave out my personal purchases and instead focus on just the real-world numbers on van-life.

cost of 2014The big change over 2013 was my lack of movement. I spent April to November stuck in one place so I drove only 5,200 miles – half that of 2013, and only one third that of 2012. This had a dramatic effect on my gasoline usage which averaged only $153 per month, less than half my monthly budget for gasoline. Where did the remaining gasoline funds go? Camping…

In 2013 my monthly cost of camping was only $50 each month (still too much in my opinion). 2014 shows a hefty increase and of course it has a direct result to my stationary life. Another change over 2013 is just how much money I spent eating out instead of cooking form myself. Obviously, when I am in-town, I am lazier and choose to dine out more often… something that both my belt and wallet like to remind me of.

Overall, I spent less than 2013 (non-personal item comparison), but by only $900 for a $9600 total ($26.30 per day average). For 2015, I’d like to drop that number even further and if the fuel prices stay low, it will be an easy challenge to fulfill.

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3 Responses

  1. Susanna says:

    I’m hoping you will post your expenses soon.
    I am following a few people to get an idea of costs for this awesome lifestyle.
    Since I don’t know what I will be in or if I will be alone your expenses really interest me because of your experience with solo/van and couple/trailer.
    Hope to hear from you,

    • Van-Tramp says:

      Sadly, I have not really been keeping track of my expenses this year. After meeting Kerri and co-adventuring with her, our expenses have intermingled to such an extent that there really is no clear cost per category any longer. Not to mention that this trip through Canada and into Alaska was a significant higher cost than if I had stayed in the lower 48.

  2. Susanna says:

    I was thinking it is probably the same if you share expenses.
    Although we just got home from a week trip that had us filling up every few hours so I’m guessing you have to fill up constantly too, good,thing is fuel is cheaper outside CA we found out.

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