Waking up to snow

Snowy morning

My first snow even though I have been traveling all winter

This morning I woke to snow… not a lot, just a dusting but snow none the less. I believe this is my first snow since leaving Colorado in October. In fact, only a few occasions in the past 3 months have I even had to worry about below-freezing temperatures. Staying in the South-West (Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona) usually keeps you out of any trouble with the weather during the winter. Daytime temps are in the 70’s and overnight temps rarely fall below the mid 30’s. There are times however when up in altitude (6,600 ft here in Grants, NM) that it can get a bit chilly.

Back in Flagstaff on Jan 20th the temps dropped to 5 degrees overnight. I slept fine in that temperature with a little extra precautions, but I do have to worry about my water reserves freezing up overnight. Luckily they did not that time.

Last night, my first snow, also got into the single-digit temperatures. Add in the wind an the temps were ‘fells like’ zero degrees. I did not have to experience that feeling as I slept comfortably in the van with my little electric heater keeping the interior above 40 degrees all night… see, I went ahead and stayed the night at an RV park to have electricity to ride out these 2 very-cold nights.

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