Vegas? Check!

The parts for Big Blue’s repair would not arrive before the weekend, meaning we had a few days to kill before the work could be done. It was painful to accept but we have been trying to make the best of the time we are trapped in an AAMCO parking lot in the Vegas metro area. Using Lyft, we have been able to get out and do the things we wanted to keep our sanity, including a rainy night out on the strip for a meal and to see the Absinthe show which one of Kerri’s friends was in. Afterwards, we hiked over to the Waldorf Skybar for drinks with a view of the Vegas strip. We didn’t make it back to the van until 2AM that night… well past our normal 8PM bed time. It felt like a properly done night on the strip; drinks, a show, and staying out way too late- that’s Vegas baby!

The following evening I stayed in while Kerri went out to visit earlier mentioned friend and family. And another night we got a ride to the local theater to see the latest Star Wars movie. We do not often go to theaters, but we made the trip this time around just to ensure we got out of the van each day. And though I repeatedly refused to purchase any snacks at the concession stand, I ate half of Kerri’s popcorn before the movie even started. Yep, I was that-guy that night. I really don’t know what came over me. Kerri was pretty nice about it. On our final evening, we got a ride into the old down town to have dinner at Esther’s Kitchen after so many friends and family referred Kerri to the eatery. After, we walked the one block for drinks at the Velveteen Rabbit, which is the type of place I fully expect to be visiting when Kerri is choosing the destinations.

Normally, the frequency of bars on the entertainment roster would be an issue, since I carry a gun – and state laws usually prohibit carrying of a gun in a bar. Kerri and I made a deal long ago that I would go out disarmed *occasionally* so we can enjoy these types of establishments together. Normally I look up each state’s laws before crossing the border, but this time I had a lot of other things on my mind. Instead it was Kerri who looked up the law and informed me that Nevada is one of the few states with some common sense – and allows guns in bars (and casinos). Now, before anyone freaks out about how booze and guns don’t mix – I already totally agree! I do not drink while carrying… no different than when I am driving. Still, there is absolutely nothing states that I *must* drink alcohol if I walk in the doors of a bar. They do serve non-alcoholic drinks too, just ask all those designated drivers. So, we had a nice time out that night while I thoroughly enjoyed my two virgin-cocktails. Kerri is getting smart about this deal we have.

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