My 1-mile marathon

During out last hike together, Conor and I were discussing training ourselves for a little trail-running to supplement our hiking. With that, I have added a 1-mile run as part of my daily workout routine.

My challenge here is that I have only just recently ran my first mile since my teenage years. My legs are just not up for running and that day (over a year ago) just about killed me. So, I have been using the elliptical machine to do my running as it is a no-impact way to train my lungs… and legs without killing myself.

I have been able to drastically reduce my 1-mile times from my first day time of 8:30 to the next day at 7:30. Another day continued the decline to a 7:05 which really made me want to break into the 6’s which I did the very next day with a 6:32! And today, I think I reached my limit with a 6:15.

Now I plan to increase the distance to 2-miles with a 15-minute benchmark to reach at which time I will increase to 3 miles with another benchmark of 7.5 minute miles. I think I will also try some runs on the treadmill and on pavement to see how these legs are doing.

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