Moochdocking in the East Bay

After two weeks of peace and quiet on the coast, we head into the fray that is the East Bay to visit my family, and meetup with my son flying out from Colorado for the occasion. It has become quite the annual pilgrimage to drop in on Mom for a week, so much so that even my Nephew, in his newly purchased Class-C, came out as well. Needless to say, the neighbors were not so happy (understandably) to have two RV’s blocking up the street.

The end of the week culminated in a visit with my youngest brother – now 40 – who purchased a 1968 Pacemaker flush deck motor yacht earlier in the year. Far from being in perfect shape, it still fueled a fiery return to the will to start Kerri and my sailing life. Old boats, for some reason I do not understand, are just so damn cool too me. My inner-pirate I guess. We got to take the monster out for a quick spin, with both Timmy and I taking a short turn at being Captain, then settled in for an evening BBQ.

During the seven day stay, I felt an unmistakable monster growing in me. The level of stress and anger that we have grown accustomed too is far lower then what every-day-life in the Bay Area throws at you. I simply can not process that amount of stress any longer, and by the end of the week I was in full shock and desperate to return to life in the… not-bay-area.

So, we left to return to the foothills of the Sierras to visit Kerri’s family for a few more weeks. We arrived too a room full of Amazon boxes… the beginnings of yet another rebuild of Big Blue.

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2 Responses

  1. Jeff Thompson says:

    Perhaps I missed the post… what are your new plans for Big Blue? Engine, interior?

    • Van-Tramp says:

      I guess I never mentioned anything about it, but we have been planning a big rebuild of the interior before moving into Big Blue for the 2018 year.

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