Down with the sickness

Normally, due to my lifestyle living out of populated areas, I go years between illnesses. Ironic that after my first time visiting a public watering hole in months, I wake up the next morning with my sinuses (is that the correct spelling?) all clogged up and a deeper-than-normal voice. I don’t mind the baritone voice, but the rest I could live without.

I’m still not certain I was “sick” as it already seems to have mostly gone away (24 hours) but yesterday I felt the worst I have felt in a long time; runny nose, clogged sinuses, scratchy throat, dizziness, sleepiness, and an overwhelming urge to wish for death… all in all it was a sucky day.

As luck would have it, Conor is to arrive tomorrow and I am not at 100%. I’m hoping another day of taking it easy will do the trick.

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