Double dog birthdays

At some point during the past few weeks, each of our dogs gained a year in age. We try to keep this from the pups so they do not expect any big parties or anything like that. Since neither read this blog…

Moose, now five years old, has slowed down noticeably in the past year or two. Now, don’t take that wrong, he still has more energy than all the nuclear power stations on the globe, but he seems to be more content to not have to burn it all off each day. With age he has grown a greater willingness to just relax in the shade and enjoy the scenery. But say the H-word (hike) and we will never stop moving.

Byron is now a very-senior fourteen years old. Nearly blind, and all the way deaf, he hasn’t let any of that keep him down. He does a lot more sleeping (and farting) now then when we met back in 2015, but he still thinks he is the sportiest dog in the world when he closes his eyes, opens his mouth wide like a hungry-hippo and leaps an entire two inches into the air trying to catch that ball… which hasn’t even been thrown anywhere near him.


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1 Response

  1. Rebecca says:

    Hahaha! Love Byron’s description!! 😂
    Happy Birthday pups!!!!

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