3 months of urban van-dwelling

I am not the biggest fan of urban camping, but I am forced to make an exception when here in Colorado to spend the summer with my son. I’d love to be camping out in the woods somewhere, but my daily requirement of Internet keeps me out of the National Forest lands all around. Three months ago I happened onto a great urban camping spot here at the Moose Lodge, only 1 block away from my Timmy. I have been assured by the ‘head-moose’ here, that he is fine with me out here as long as there are no complaints. I continue to offer myself as free labor for any of the Lodge’s needs in return. 3 months… and here I am still, with another 6 weeks to go before Timmy starts school again and I can start my driving again.


BigBlue parked behind the Moose Lodge

Of course there are some benefits to sitting still in one place for 3 months; I get to see my son every day for one, and even daily showers (which I will miss). I also happen to be right beside my gym so I have been able to work out as often as I want, which has been 4-5 times a week these past few months; gaining almost 20 lbs in muscle since my return. I have also saved a lot of money in fuel cost since the big van has hardly moved in these 3 months, which has allowed me to pay stock up on some supplies and make those annual registration payments on all these vehicles in my name.

The negatives haunt me though. I want to travel, I want to adventure. I get lazy in town, paying for restaurant meals instead of preparing my own. I have spent more hours on the computer than outside, and I’ve let my blogging go days without a post (I post today out of desperation). I may also have to buy some new clothes, since 20 additional lbs of muscle sure makes everything fit differently.

This will be actually be the longest I have been stationary since March 2010, when I purchased BigBlue; 4.5 months. Over 1/3 of the year sitting in one spot! But there is light at the end of the tunnel, only 6 weeks or so before I can restart my travels. Every day beings me closer and more excited to get moving again.

July is the month to tie up my loose ends; try to sell one or two of the extra vehicles and maintenance on BigBlue. I will drive out of Colorado around mid-August, giving me just enough time to see Timmy off to school before leaving.

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1 Response

  1. Aluminarium says:

    Looking forward to seeing you on the road!!

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