Tagged: colorado


Biking the Wild Turkey Trail

I decided to go out for another mountain bike ride before a final snow storm worked it’s way through the area mid-week. Only two days after my last mountain bike ride, the original plan was to tackle two other nearby trails, but as is the norm with any plans I...


Biking Picture Rock Trail

I have hiked the Picture Rock trail a couple times, and each time I had noticed how great of a Mountain Biking trail it would be. Sunday, I finally tackled it on a bike and it was a fantastic little trail. It is gently uphill for 3 miles to an...

Trapped in Colorado 0

Trapped in Colorado

It has been nearly one full month since I arrived back in Colorado and since then I have had few adventures. Between spending time with Timmy and the repeated snow storms, I haven’t been able to get out on too many trails for biking or hiking. I have a list...


Roosevelt National Forest, Dadd Gultch

With the weather finally allowing the sun to shine, Conor and I took the opportunity to drive up Highway 14 to get in a quick snow-hike. Conor’s original plan was a trail up near the 10,000 ft elevation mark, but as we topped 8,000 the mountain was clearly trying to...


A little frosting makes everything better

I slept so comfortably last night that when I woke this morning I had no clue I was covered in frosting. The interior of the van never dipped below mid 30’s overnight, which is sleeping-in-my-skimpies kind of weather.  Immediately after snapping this image, I opened the river’s door allowing all...


Colorado National Speedway

Good ol’ Saturday Night racin’ at Colorado National Speedway! This was my first visit to CNS even though I have lived only a few miles from the track for the past 5 years. It is visible from the Interstate and each time I passed by I told myself, “this Saturday...

Still a resident of Colorado 0

Still a resident of Colorado

I know, I know. This is the 3rd year now that I’ve said I will setup residence in South Dakota and once again I took the easy way out. I blame it on the Datsun though, it isn’t my fault… I swear! All the work that it takes to setup...

Pearl Street Mall in Boulder 0

Pearl Street Mall in Boulder

Today, in a desperate attempt to do something other than sit around behind a computer all day, I drove into Boulder to revisit Pearl Street Mall. My first, and only, visit to Pearl Street a few years back left me with a bad taste in my mouth. It seems to...

Roosevelt National Forest, Lions Gulch 0

Roosevelt National Forest, Lions Gulch

It has been a good while since I hiked the Lions Gulch trail into the Homestead Meadows area. Conor and I have attacked the meadows from different trails multiple other times, but not up the dreaded Lions Gulch with it’s 1500+ ft elevation gain an 3 miles trail, some considered...

Roosevelt National Forest, Big Elk Meadows 0

Roosevelt National Forest, Big Elk Meadows

I have passed by this road many times on my way up the mountain to numerous other hikes over the years. It is only a few miles outside of Lyons, which is right up the road from me. It was not until late last year that I finally traveled the...