Category: Other Roads


Glacier Ntnl Park – Going to the Sun Road

Going-to-the-Sun Road is the only road that crosses Glacier National Park going over the Continental Divide at Logan Pass. It was completed in 1932. The road, both a National Historic Landmark and a Historic Civil Engineering Landmark, spans 53 miles (85 km) across the width of the park. The road is...


4 wheelin’ Lefthand Canyon

The Trail Blazer’s transmission gave out on Imelda last weekend and with a repair cost in the $4,000 range it was decided to simply replace the aging truck with a newer SUV. Imelda had been talking about getting something with 4WD ever since coming to Colorado, with the snow and...

California’s Route 66 0

California’s Route 66

Today is day #4 of driving and only now can I see Arizona on the horizon… actually 60 miles up the road. I have not moved too far on any given day these past few days; only about 120-140 miles per day. This relaxed pace has allowed me the luxury...

Hoover Dam 0

Hoover Dam

  Today we rolled out of Henderson and towards Hoover Dam, stopped 1 mile short of the Arizona border at the Hacienda Hotel & Casino. Not only did they have ample parking for trucks and RVs, it was quiet and warm enough to get a helluva-night’s sleep. We woke to...