Still Cellars

Still Cellars is a distillery housed in an off-beat industrial area of Longmont, Colorado. Longmont is not even a very hip place, so when suggested to me by a blog reader(thank you Janel!) I took advantage to setup an evening out at Still Cellars. Considering how much Kerri enjoys her booze it was an easy win on the brownie-points, but I have to admit my own excitement about it too.

Photo Apr 08, 7 16 09 PMWe entered through the nondescript front door to a darkened room with only a bar, a piano, and three tables which were already occupied by other patrons. Unsure how to proceed we sauntered over to the corner of the bar and ordered the “taste the spirits” sampler. This would give us both a sip of each of the five products made from scratch in house by the two owners (Jason and Sadye). Now, I am no connoisseur of alcohol – my beer of choice was PBR or Coors Light until recently when I joined the dark side; Mmm Guinness – but even I could taste something unique in the Vodka and even more so in their Whiskey. I won’t try to impress anyone with  talk of “woodsiness” or “finish”, but this casual drinker may have just found himself a whiskey he can enjoy straight-up around a camp fire.

Photo Apr 08, 7 21 12 PMBefore leaving Kerri wanted to try a cocktail so we shared a Créme d’Orange which tasted just like my favorite Popsicle flavor (Dreamsicle,  orange and cream). I guess I like my drinks on the girly side, but I was one happy dude with the atmosphere and the drinks at Still Cellars. We agreed that we will make a return visit next week before leaving Longmont.

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3 Responses

  1. Suzanne says:

    Welcome to the “girly dark side!”

    Suzanne, (now five brewery Stout Sampling tours down in San Diego.) ;-)

  2. Janel says:

    So glad you enjoyed it. I love that L-town has something unique and all created by two lovely people. Sadye’s mother is a great massage therapist, so if you are in need…..just ask Sadye about her mom, Denise. Stay warm in this wet snow.

    • Van-Tramp says:

      Thanks Janel! We went again just last night and had another great evening there trying out more drinks and listening to a fantastic band from Grand Rapids. So happy you pointed us here.

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