Kayaking Theodore Roosevelt Lake

Now that I am a Captain of a new kayak I feel a need to sail – err paddle that is. It has influenced my decisions on where to camp, so much so that Theodore Roosevelt Lake has been on my todo list for a few weeks, even though it was well off my path.

IMG_9157I got my feet wet,( pun intended), for the first time, earlier this week. Setting out from the campground’s boat launch with no real destination planned other than “over there” as I pointed my still unnamed kayak North.  We paddled at a leisurely pace, taking breaks regularly. Boats, birds, submerged forests, and fellow campers were all sights to be seen.

IMG_9161IMG_9164 IMG_9178Finally, after 3.25 miles and 2 hours we settled in on a small sandy bank at the Northern tip of the lake to stretch for a few minutes before turning South for the 1-hour-full-hour-against-the-wind paddle back to the boat ramp.As a Captain, I call this a successful first voyage for my new water-stead.

I did end the day with a wee-bit of pink on my shoulders and neck, but I tan more than burn so I’m not worried about it. My bigger concern is the soreness in my shoulders from paddling, and butt from sitting, for so long.

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