Fort Craig National Historic Site

IMG_4460Fort Craig, established in 1854, was one of the largest and most important frontier forts in the West. Set in the rugged beauty of Socorro County, N.M., it was one of the eight forts situated along the primary north-south road in the Rio Grande Valley. Fort Craig played a crucial role in Indian campaigns and the Civil War.

IMG_4459To get to the fort required a 4.5 mile drive down a dirt road. Luckily it was very well maintained with little to no wash boarding. Heck, I was even able to hold 45 MPH for most of the way, which made the 4.5 miles pretty quick.

IMG_4456Once there, there was not much left of the ol’ fort left. Just a few stone or earth walls and the flag-pole. You can get the idea that there was a building here or there, but little remains that tells you out-right that this place was such an important place just 150 years ago.

I ended up camping the night at the end of the dirt road… very peaceful and quiet.

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