A weekend in San Ignacio

IMG_8114Continuing South from Guerrero Negro, we ran into the small village of San Ignacio not far off the main highway. San Ignacio has a very picturesque central square (not that I took a photo of it) where nearly all the restaurants and shops are, along with a Catholic Church from the 1780s.

IMG_8109IMG_8078Kerri and I took our time to explore the town before heading back down the road to stay a single night at Los Petates campground. We settled into our decided spot at the campground – right between a family of tall date palms – situated the fire pit and the old bus seat provided for seating, and set right into one of the most relaxing nights we have had in a long time. We had the entire campground to ourselves so the dogs were able to enjoy the freedom of running around a bit. Sunset was beautiful, but night and sunrise made it all even better!


The following morning we ran back into San Ignacio for breakfast at a local restaurant before continuing the drive South. Between San Ignacio and San Rosalia lays dormant a three-peaked volcanic range that we had to cross, complete with lava flows and the steep grades associated with mountains in Mexico.

IMG_8124 IMG_8131Eventually we made our way into San Rosalia, a much larger town than San Ignacio, built around an old mine. With a few more hours to kill in the day we ventured into the old town on foot which included yet another historic church. The timing was just right for us to accidentally run into old friends from Alaska, @PerkyMog, who had just pulled into town behind us. Again, a few more pictures of the church and a quick visit to a local bakery before jumping back in Big Blue for a little more southern mileage before settling in Mulege for the work-week.


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